Scrabble resources

By John Fultz
Last modified on Thursday, July 12, 2007

Here are some of my favorite online Scrabble resources with some of my own yammering about each.

NASPA and tournament links

Upcoming tournaments

Player information

Online play and study

Internet Scrabble Club
Popularly known as ISC, this site is the most popular hangout for online play among tournament players. Many of the club members are on ISC. Check the sidebar for a list of their logins which you might want to add to your buddies list.

This is a great site for word study and a lot of fun. Use it to help you study anything from 4's to 8's. Requires only a Java-capable web browser.

Word lookup and study tools

These are the essentials.

Other resources

I've read Everything Scrabble from cover to cover, solved the puzzles, and memorized the word lists. I like word lists, but what I really like is strategy and inside tips. Most of what I see on the web is stuff I already knew from Everything Scrabble. Here are a few links I have been able to find which added something genuinely interesting to that body of knowledge (experts already know this stuff, but we're not all experts yet!).